P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-010

A.M. D-010

P-VV A.M. D-010

Source type
Document type
17th century (first half)
Proprium de Tempore of the more significant feasts of Eastertide. Fol. 1v Vidi aquam; fol. 2v Easter Sunday; fol. 8v week after Easter Sunday; 30r Octave of Easter ("Dominica in Albis"); 33r Ascension Thursday; 36v Sunday after Ascension; 39v Eve of Pentecost; 46v Pentecost Sunday; 53v Weekdays after Pentecost; fols. 57v sqq. Ember Day of Pentecost (Wednesday; Friday; Saturday); fol. 69r: Trinity Sunday; fol. 73 r Corpus Christi (only from the Introit verse, because fol. 72 is missing).
Type of script
Type of notation

Initials in red and black. The initials of the more important feasts have special decoration: fol. 1v, V[idi]; fol. 3r, R[esurrexi]; fol. 30v, Q[uasi]; fol. 33v, V[iri]; fol. 47r, S[piritus].

Condition of document


Page layout

Front cover: 584x378 mm. Fol. 4r: 567x367 mm. Most of the folios have 6 staves.


Original foliation in red ink Arabic numerals. 81 folios; fols. 5 and 73 are missing, and at the end more folios are also missing: the last chant, Of. Sacerdotes Domini, for the feast of Corpus Christi, is incomplete, and the Communio is missing.


Leather over boards; there are signs of the reinforced corners and center with iron, now missing.


ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Biblioteca do Palácio Real de Vila Viçosa (Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989).

Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 101 - 120 of 143
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
055v 001 Accipite jucunditatem gloriae vestrae alleluia gratias Pent., fer. 3 MI In g02104 4
056r 001 Attendite popule meus legem meam inclinate Pent., fer. 3 MI InV g02104a 4
056v 001 Alleluia Spiritus Sanctus docebit vos quaecumque Pent., fer. 3 MI Al g01100 8
057r 001 Alleluia Veni sancte spiritus * Pent., fer. 3 MI Al g01092 *
057r 002 Portas caeli * Pent., fer. 3 MI Of g01030 *
057r 003 Spiritus qui a Patre procedit alleluia Pent., fer. 3 MI Cm g01101 8
057v 001 Deus dum egredereris coram populo tuo Pent., fer. 4 Q.T. MI In g01102.1 3
058r 001 Exsurgat deus et dissipentur inimici ejus Pent., fer. 4 Q.T. MI InV g01102a 3
058v 001 Alleluia Verbo domini caeli firmati sunt Pent., fer. 4 Q.T. MI Al g01103 8
059r 001 Alleluia Veni sancte spiritus * Pent., fer. 4 Q.T. MI Al g01092 *
059r 002 Meditabor in mandatis tuis quae dilexi Pent., fer. 4 Q.T. MI Of g00726.1 2
060r 001 Pacem relinquo vobis alleluia pacem meam Pent., fer. 4 Q.T. MI Cm g01105.1 7
060v 001 Repleatur os meum laude tua alleluia Pent., Fer. 6 Q.T. MI In g01106 3
062r 000 [Alleluia O quam bonus et suavis Pent., Fer. 6 Q.T. MI Al g01107 1
062r 001 Alleluia Veni sancte spiritus * Pent., Fer. 6 Q.T. MI Al g01092 *
062r 002 Lauda anima mea dominum laudabo dominum Pent., Fer. 6 Q.T. MI Of g01061 4
062v 001 Non vos relinquam orphanos veniam ad Pent., Fer. 6 Q.T. MI Cm g01108
063r 001 Caritas dei diffusa est in cordibus Pent., sabbato Q.T. MI In g01109 3
065r 002 Benedic anima mea domino et omnia Pent., sabbato Q.T. MI InV g01109d 3
065v 001 Alleluia Spiritus est qui vivificat caro Pent., sabbato Q.T. MI Al g01110 8