P-Gms (Guimarães) Sociedade Martins Sarmento ET596


P-Gms ET596

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
001r- In festo Sancti Angeli Custodis Regni, 010r- In octava Sancti Jacobi, 010v- In Sancti Petri ad Vincula, 022r- In festo Presentationis virgine, 023r- In festo Transfigurationis, 031r- In Sancti Laurentii martyr, 038v- In Assumptione Beate Marie, 053v- In festo Sancti Augustini episcopi, 054r- In decollatione Sancti Joannis Baptiste, 059r- In Nativitate Virginis Marie, 076r- In exaltatione Sancte Crucis, 083r- In Dedicatione Sancte Michaelis, 089r- In festo Sancti Patris nostri Hieronimi, 091v- In Vigilia omnium Sanctorum, 109r- In festo dedicationis ecclesie salvatorum, 115v- In sancti Martini, 122v- In festo Presentationis Virginis Marie
Type of script
Type of notation

Capitals on red and/or blue, with filigree designs in both colours or alternating them. Black initials. Rubrics in red and black.

On folio 108v there is a signature of the copyist "este livro fez frei antonio de coimbra na era de 1533" and also on the same folio under this signature there is another inscription: "Officium dedicationis ecclesie et Sancti Martini et reliquorum festorum require in libro hymnorum communium”. The last folio, 135v, identifies both copyist and illuminator: "Este livro fez frei antonio de coimbra professo do mosteiro de sam marcos e iluminou o padre frey jorge de santarem na era do senhor de 1533".
Condition of document

Somewhat damaged, especially up to fol. 30. The first folios and some of the middle ones are threadbare of use. Changes were made to some of the contents. There are folios with collages to replace an older layer of text (e.g. folio 018v); some erasures were left blank. Text was sometimes added on the margins.


135 folios in arabic numbering


Leather over boards

Musical Items