P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-009
P-VV A.M. D-009
Initial guard leaf, 1r-v - chant Ad cenam Agni; 3v- Asperges me antiphon; 5r- Vidi Aquam antiphon; 1v - Kyriale (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei); 29v - Credo; 51v - Missa pro defunctis; final guard leaf, 1v - chant Stella Caeli.
Folio 1v has a blue filigree design (a big frame around the contents). In the initial guard leaf 3v, fol. 1v and fol. 51v there is one big and plain initial in gold decorated with blue filigree design. In the final guard leaf 1r exist a parti-coloured floriated initial ( in green, blue and pink) with a background in yellow. Red champ initials. Black cadels initials.
The manuscript is in good condition. It begins with six initial guard-leaves. The initial guard-leaves 1rv- 2rv, and the final guard leaf 2 rv are in paper and were originally left blank. A modern hand added later the chant Ad cenam on the initial guard leaf 1rv. The initial guard-leaves 4 to 6, and the final guard leaf 1rv are in parchment. Folio 1r is numbered but with no contents at all. The bottom margin of folio 46 has been repaired by stitching. The bottom half of folio 66 was cut but with no loss of contents. The final guard leaf 1 has a different layout (5 staves instead of the 6).
584 x 382 mm. Most of the filios have 6 staves
76 fols. Foliation in red ink Arabic numerals can be found at top right corner of the recto of each folio.