P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal RES. 253 P.

RES. 253 P.
Name of the source
Breuiarium s[e]c[un]d[u]m consuetudinem sancte Elborensis ecclesie

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

Source type
Document type

fols. [1]r-[11]v: Computus, Calendar, and General Rules; fols. 1r-56r: Psalterium; fols. 57r-170r: Temporale; fols. 171r-191v: Commune Sanctorum; fols. 192r-200v: Offices of Our Lady; fols. 201r-205v: Officium defunctorum; fols. 206r-405v: Sanctorale; fols. 406r-409r: Officium Angeli Custodis; fol. 409v: Hymns for Gerald, Archbishop of Braga.


Type of script
Type of notation

Library sticker, front paste-down: "RESERVADO / 253 / B.N.L."
Ex-libris of the National Library, sticker, front paste-down: "Ut Videam / Ano X da Revolução Nacional / 1926-1936".
Front paste-down, pencil: "253".
Front paste-down, red pencil, crossed out: "414".
Fol. 240r, right margin, black ink: "nomes dos magos".
Fol. 240v, left margin, black ink: "q[uo]d magus sig[nifi]cet".

Condition of document



[12] + 409 + [1] folios.

Printed in Seville by Jacob Cromberger.
Description author/s
Project ID

Musical Items

Displaying 781 - 800 of 6063
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode
071v 004 Laetamini cum Jerusalem et exsultate in Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 5 V2 A M 003562 *
071v 005 Prope est* Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M I 001120 *
071v 006 Praecursor pro nobis ingreditur agnus sine Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M R 1 007421 *
071v 007 Ipse est rex justitiae cujus generatio Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M V 01 007421b *
071v 008 Videbunt gentes justum tuum et cuncti Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M R 2 007854 *
071v 009 Et erit corona gloriae in manu Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M V 01 007854a *
071v 010 Emitte agnum domine dominatorem terrae | De Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M R 3 006656 *
071v 011 Ostende nobis domine misericordiam tuam et Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M V 01 006656b *
071v 012 Gloria* Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 M V 02 909000 *
071v 013 Intuemini quantus sit gloriosus iste qui Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 L A 1 003391 *
072r 001 Ad te domine levavi animam meam Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 L A 2 001255 *
072r 002 Veni domine et noli tardare relaxa Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 L A 3 005320 *
072r 003 Deus a Libano veniet et splendor Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 L A 4 002163 *
072r 004 Ego autem ad dominum aspiciam et Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 L A 5 002565 *
072r 005 Ex quo facta est vox salutationis Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 L A B 002750 *
072r 006 Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 P A 001709 *
072r 007 Beata es Maria quae credidisti perficientur Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 T A 001565 *
072r 008 Beatam me dicent omnes generationes quia Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 S A 001574 *
072r 009 Erit in novissimis diebus praeparatus mons Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 N A 201601 *
072r 010 Beata es Maria* Adv., hebd. 3, fer. 6 V2 A M 001565 *