P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-005
P-VV A.M. D-005
Proprium de tempore (Christmas) and Proprium de Sanctis (January to June). Fol. 1v Asperges me; fol. 2r Vidi aquam; 3v-16v Christmas Masses; fol. 17r Stephen; 21r John the Evangelist; 24v Holy Innocents; 28v Thomas Becket, Bishop of Canterbury; 37r Epiphany. After the Epiphany season, the proper of saints until June 22th. From fol. 97r to fol. 171v Commune Sanctorum. Fol. 171v Dedicatio; fols. 176v-188r Missae Beatae Mariae Virginis; fol. 188r Missa de Passione Domini. On the guard leafs, later hand wrote other masses, including the introit for the «Dedicatio Ecclesiae Eborensis», the proper for S. Phillip Nery; the Holy Name of Jesus, with the sequence «Lauda Sion salvatoris Jesu nomen...».
Initials in blue, red and black, with filigree designs on same or alternate colours. The initials for the more important feasts have special decoration.
Fol. 1r: «Liber i [primus] Missarum de Sãctis / a vig[ilia] Natiuitat[is] Domi]ni usque / ad vig[ilia] S. Joãnis Bapt[ista] / exclusiue iuxta Missale / Romanu[m] auctoritate Clementis 8 / recognitu[m]. / Anno D[omi]ni 1621.»
Very good.
560 X 360 mm. Most of the folios have 6 staves
193 fols + 4 initial guard leaves and 4 final guard leaves. Original foliation in red ink Arabic numerals.
Leather over boards; reinforced corners and center with decorated golden iron.
ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Biblioteca do Palácio Real de Vila Viçosa (Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989).