P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-005

A.M. D-005

P-VV A.M. D-005

Source type
Document type

Proprium de tempore (Christmas) and Proprium de Sanctis (January to June). Fol. 1v Asperges me; fol. 2r Vidi aquam; 3v-16v Christmas Masses; fol. 17r Stephen; 21r John the Evangelist; 24v Holy Innocents; 28v Thomas Becket, Bishop of Canterbury; 37r Epiphany. After the Epiphany season, the proper of saints until June 22th. From fol. 97r to fol. 171v Commune Sanctorum. Fol. 171v Dedicatio; fols. 176v-188r Missae Beatae Mariae Virginis; fol. 188r Missa de Passione Domini. On the guard leafs, later hand wrote other masses, including the introit for the «Dedicatio Ecclesiae Eborensis», the proper for S. Phillip Nery; the Holy Name of Jesus, with the sequence «Lauda Sion salvatoris Jesu nomen...».

Type of script
Type of notation

Initials in blue, red and black, with filigree designs on same or alternate colours. The initials for the more important feasts have special decoration.


Fol. 1r: «Liber i [primus] Missarum de Sãctis / a vig[ilia] Natiuitat[is] Domi]ni usque / ad vig[ilia] S. Joãnis Bapt[ista] / exclusiue iuxta Missale / Romanu[m] auctoritate Clementis 8 / recognitu[m]. / Anno D[omi]ni 1621.»

Condition of document

Very good.

Page layout

560 X 360 mm. Most of the folios have 6 staves


193 fols + 4 initial guard leaves and 4 final guard leaves. Original foliation in red ink Arabic numerals.


Leather over boards; reinforced corners and center with decorated golden iron.


ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Biblioteca do Palácio Real de Vila Viçosa (Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989).

Description author/s

Musical Items

Displaying 81 - 100 of 267
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
036r 002 Viderunt omnes * Nativitas Domini, infra oct. MI Gr g00554 *
036r 003 Alleluia Multifarie olim deus loquens in Nativitas Domini, infra oct. MI Al g00585 7
036v 001 Tui sunt caeli * Nativitas Domini, infra oct. MI Of g00557 *
036v 002 Viderunt omnes * Nativitas Domini, infra oct. MI Cm g00558 *
036v 003 Dum medium silentium * Epiphania, vig. MI In g00578 *
037r 001 Ecce advenit dominator dominus et regnum Epiphania MI In g00596 2
037v 001 Deus judicium tuum regi da et Epiphania MI InV g00596a.1 2
037v 002 Omnes de Saba venient aurum et Epiphania MI Gr g00597 5
038r 001 Surge et illuminare Jerusalem quia gloria Epiphania MI GrV g00597a 5
038v 001 Alleluia Vidimus stellam ejus in oriente Epiphania MI Al g00599 2
039r 001 Reges Tharsis et insulae munera offerrent Epiphania MI Of g00600 8?
040r 001 Vidimus stellam ejus in oriente et Epiphania MI Cm g00601 4
040v 001 In excelso throno vidi sedere virum Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI In g00613.2 8
041r 001 Jubilate deo omnis terra servite domino Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI InV g00613b 8
041r 002 Benedictus dominus deus Israel qui facit Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI Gr g00614 7
041v 001 Suscipiant montes pacem populo tuo et Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI GrV g00614a 7
042r 001 Alleluia Jubilate deo omnis terra servite Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI Al g00616 3
042v 001 Jubilate deo omnis terra servite domino Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI Of g00617.1 5
043r 001 Fili quid fecisti nobis sic ego Dom. 1 p. Epiph. MI Cm g00618 1
043v 001 In medio ecclesiae * Hilarii MI In g01342 *