P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 032

Ms. 032

P-BRs Ms. 032

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
16th century (first quarter)
ff. 1r-51v In tempore Adventus, ff. 51v-90v In tempore Nativitatis, ff. 90v-135r In tempore Epiphaniae, ff. 135v-187r In tempore Quadragesimae, ff. 187r-204r In Triduum, ff. 204r-241r In tempore Paschae, ff. 241r-270v In tempore Pentecostes, ff. 270v-299v Dominicae proximae kalendis Augusti, Septembris, Octobris et Novembris, ff. 299v-306v Dominicae post Pentecostes, ff. 307r-314r Officium Angeli Custodiis, ff. 314r-315v Officia solitaria
Type of script
Type of notation

Plain/simply decorated initials on blue, purple, red and black; two-line capitals on red and/or blue, with decorations on both colours or on the alternate colours.

Condition of document

Very good; some humidity; few mutilated folios.

Page layout

c. 325 x c. 430 mm, one column c. 215 x c. 300 mm; 8 lines of text alternated with music from the beginning up to folio ciiij; from folio cv up to folio ccciij, 10 lines of text alternated with music; from folio 304 on, 9 to 11 lines of text alternated with music.


316 folios, mainly roman numeration; folio 8 has arabic numbering; numbering of folio lxxvij is repeated on next folio; folios 204-205, 289-296 and 304-315 are unnumbered; last folio was later numbered “ccciv” in pencil, although actually corresponding to folio 315 (if counting from the last numbered folio [ccciij]).


leather over boards

Folios 1, 204-205 and 289-296 are a replacement of the original ones; folios 304-315 seem to be partly a replacement, partly an addition.
Description author/s
Indexed by

Musical Items

Displaying 1121 - 1140 of 2807
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
142r 002 Gloria* Quadragesimae, dom. 1 S V 02 909000 8
142r 003 Ipse liberavit me R. De laqueo Quadragesimae, dom. 1 S W 008107.1 *
142r 004 Reliquit eum tentator et accesserunt angeli Quadragesimae, dom. 1 N A 004609 8 213a
142r 005 Septies in die laudem dixi tibi Quadragesimae, dom. 1 N R 007639 2
142r 006 Erravi sicut ovis quae perierat require Quadragesimae, dom. 1 N V 01 007639a 2
142r 007 Gloria* Quadragesimae, dom. 1 N V 02 909000 2
142r 008 Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi R. Et Quadragesimae, dom. 1 N W 008191 *
142r 009 Sede a dextris meis* Quadragesimae, dom. 1 V2 A 1 004853 *
142v 001 Audi benigne conditor* Quadragesimae, dom. 1 V2 H 008267 *
142v 002 Angelis suis* Quadragesimae, dom. 1 V2 W 007945 *
142v 003 Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile ecce nunc Quadragesimae, dom. 1 V2 A M 002532 8 84a
142v 004 Venite benedicti patris mei percipite regnum Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 L A B 005350 8 84a
142v 005 In omnibus exhibeamus nosmetipsos sicut dei Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 P A 202452 7 144a
142v 006 Jesu Christe fili dei vivi miserere Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 P R 601272 r
143r 001 Qui sacrasti jejunium miserere nobis Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 P V 01 601272g r
143r 002 Gloria* Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 P V 02 909000 r
143r 003 Exsurge domine* Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 P W 008072 *
143r 004 Per arma justitiae virtutis dei commendemus Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 T A 004261 1 69b
143r 005 Participem me fac* Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 T R 007353 *
143r 006 Ecce adsunt dies salutis paenitentiae et Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 S A 201452 1 60a