P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 028

Ms. 028

P-BRs Ms. 028

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
16th century (first quarter)
Fols. 2-230v Proprium sanctorum (from Stephen the First Martyr to Thomas, Apostle), fols. 232r-265v Commune sanctorum, fols. 265v-270r In agenda mortuorum, fols. 271r-291v Officia Beatae Mariae Virginis, fols. 291w-305v Festa alia communis et proprii sanctorum
Type of script
Type of notation

Plain/simply decorated initials on blue, red and black; two-line capitals on red and/or blue, with decorations on both colours or on the alternate colours.

Condition of document

Good, despite some traces of humidity.

Page layout

c. 295 x c. 400, one column c. 215 x c. 300; 10 lines of text alternated with music; from folio 291w on, 9 lines of text alternated with music.


302 folios; fol. 1 is missing. Roman foliation until fol. 305, the foliation skips numbers 223, 231, 255 and 279; while fols. 271-278 are unnumbered. A new hand wrote the foliation in Roman numbers from fols. 289 to 291; "289" is repeated on the following folio. "291" is written on two consecutive folios, the second occurrence was written in Roman numbers by a new hand.
There is a problem of page misplacement at the end of the manuscript: fols. 303 and 304 can be found in the place of 298 and 299, and vice-versa.
Fols. 174, 198, 247, 286 and 288 are a replacement of the original ones; from the numbering repeated folio 291 up to the end, all folios are a later addition.


Leather over boards.


VEIGA, Diogo Alte da, 'O Alleluia na monodia litúrgica em Portugal até 1600: comparações melódicas' (Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2010).

CHAVES, 'Zuelma, 'O Ofício de Defuntos - repertório musicado monódico, em fontes portuguesas, até c. 1700' (Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2017).

Description author/s
Indexed by

Musical Items

Displaying 1161 - 1180 of 3365
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
104r 005 Pectore sincero supplerque Maria recumbens unxit Mariae Magdalenae L A 2 a00305 4 D
104r 006 Sustolle Maria supplicum in aethere vota Mariae Magdalenae L A 3 204845 8 G
104v 001 Quam veneranda omnem quae laudanda per Mariae Magdalenae L A 4 204058 1 D
104v 002 O certe praecipuus Mariae amor quae Mariae Magdalenae L A 5 203399 8 G
104v 003 Fidelium devotio* Mariae Magdalenae L H 830124 *
104v 004 Audivit et laetata* Mariae Magdalenae L W a00249 *
104v 005 In diebus illis mulier quae erat Mariae Magdalenae L A B 003224 7 A
105r 001 Mulier quae erat in civitate peccatrix Mariae Magdalenae V2 A M 003822 8 G
105r 002 Audiens haec ergo Hermogenes carens fide Jacobi V A p a00195 6 F
105r 003 Alme perpetui luminis lux apostole Jacobe Jacobi V R a00194 1
105v 001 Sedulus esto Christi benigne apostole intercessor Jacobi V V 01 a00194a 1
105v 002 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Jacobi V V 02 909000 1
105v 003 Exsultet caelum* Jacobi V H 008301 *
105v 004 Annuntiaverunt* Jacobi V W 007950 *
105v 005 O lux et decus hispaniae sanctissime Jacobi V A M a00193 3 A
106r 001 Venite omnes christicolae ad adorandum Christum Jacobi M I 100288 2 NE
106r 002 Apostolus Christi Jacobus per synagogas ingrediens Jacobi M A 1.1 a00306 1 G
106r 003 Docente namque eo contigit quaedam auctorem Jacobi M A 1.2 a00307 2 D
106v 001 Cum autem venisset Philetus ad Jacobum Jacobi M A 1.3 a00308 3 A
106v 002 In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum Jacobi M W 1. 008097 *