17th century


Displaying 1 - 20 of 36
Siglum Category Subcategory Date Completeness Location
E-TUY 002 polyphony Choirbook 1696 complete or nearly complete Tuy
E-TUY 005 polyphony Choirbook 17th/18th century with 20th-century additions complete or nearly complete Tuy
P-AR Res. Ms. 032 polyphony Choirbook [c.1610-20] complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-BRad MS 964 polyphony Open score 17th - early 18th cent. complete or nearly complete Braga
P-Cua III-1ªD-3-1-058 + III-1ªD-3-5-069 A monophony c. 1600 fragment Coimbra
P-Cug MM 0018 polyphony Choirbook [c.1610-20] complete or nearly complete Coimbra
P-Cug MM 0026 polyphony Choirbook early 17th century complete or nearly complete Coimbra
P-Cug MM 0217A polyphony Partbook early 17th century fragment Coimbra
P-EVad Mús. Lit. Ms. nº006 monophony 16th - 17th cent. complete or nearly complete Évora
P-EVc Cod.Perg. Lit. ? monophony Temporal gradual 1617 complete or nearly complete Évora
P-EVc Cod.Perg. Lit. ?3 monophony Sanctoral gradual 17th century complete or nearly complete Évora
P-EVc Ms 003 polyphony Choirbook First half 17th century complete or nearly complete Évora
P-EVc MS 012 polyphony Choirbook [1590-1610] fragment Évora
P-EVpc 000 monophony Summer antiphoner late 16th - early 17th cent. complete or nearly complete Évora
P-G C 1509 monophony c. 1600 - c. 1800 complete or nearly complete Guimarães
P-Gmas LC 007 monophony 1613 complete or nearly complete Guimarães
P-Gmas LC 012 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1613 complete or nearly complete Guimarães
P-Gmas LC 016 monophony 1533-1550 complete or nearly complete Guimarães
P-LApe Liv 143 polyphony Choirbook Late 16th-early 17th centuries Lamego
P-Ln L.C. 258 monophony Choirbook 15th century (second half) complete or nearly complete Lisboa