P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 025

Res. Ms. 025
Name of the source
Antiphonarium Hymnarium

P-AR Res. Ms. 025

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
c. 1200
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Square notation in black on four red lines (on f. 3r only, lines black as well).

Complexly decorated initials for the first matins responsory of major feasts. They all share rather intricate floral patterns and, more rarely, zoomorphic with colour patterns of deep red, light red/pink, orange, blue and azul.

Other chant initials generally in taller letters of blue, red and green.

At the end (fol. 202v), a note refers to an earlier binding, made in 1483: "Era do nacime[n]to de noso senor Jh[es]u [Christ]o de mill e iiij lxxxiii anos. xxx dias ... [i]dos de jullhu Eu Joham alverus indigno sacerdote e[n]cadernei este liv[r]o co[m] [ou]t[r]os muitos deste mosteiro p[er] ma[n]dado [da] Sra dona lianor coutinha abdesa d'arouq e f[ilh]a do co[n]de de ma[ri]alva do[m] g[onçal]o e da co[n]desa dona beiat[r]iz de melo sua molher".
Condition of document

Good. Slightly stained and with occasional wrinkles.

Page layout

Folios measure approx. 360 x 239 mm. One column, 185-190 x 300 mm.


204 folios numbered in pencil (later Arabic numeration).


Leather over wooden boards, locks and five metal staples in the corners and centre.

Antiphons for each nocturne and for second vespers in the feasts of Stephen, John the Evangelist and Nativity of an Innocent (ff. 23v - 32v) are not reported, only being cued with the indication 'et cete' that follows the written incipit of the first antiphon of the series. Antiphon series start being written out in full on f. 33r, for the feast of Agnes.

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro,“Early Cistercian Polyphony: A Newly-Discovered Source”, Lusitania Sacra, 2ª série,Tomo XIII-XIV, 2001-2002, pp. 267-313 (versão portuguesa, revista: "O hino polifónico de Arouca no contexto cisterciense", in id., Aspectos da música medieval no Ocidente peninsular, vol. II, Lisboa: F. C. Gulbenkian/IN-CM, pp. 212-254); id., Antologia de música em Portugal na Idade Média e no Renascimento, vol. I, CESEM/Arte das Musas, Lisboa, 2008, p.141; vol.II, p. 38; FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro & FORTU, Mara, “A música antiga nos manuscritos de Arouca, contribuição para um catálogo”, in O orgão do Mosteiro de Arouca: Conservação e restauro do património musical, Arouca, 2009, pp.45-53. FORTU, Mara, “Os manuscritos litúrgico-musicais da Ordem de Cister em Portugal e na Galiza”, in Actas do IV Congresso Internacional sobre El Císter en Portugal y Galicia, “Los caminos de Santiago y la vida Monástica Cisterciense”, vol. II, Braga-Oseira, Ediciones Monte Casino, Zamora, España, 2010, pp. 755-774. HENRIQUES, Luís C. F., "O Ofício de Matinas para a Festa de São Bernardo: o testemunho do manuscrito P-AR Ms 25", in Do Espírito do Lugar - Música, Estética, Silêncio, Espaço, Luz, coord. Antónia Fialho Conde e António Camões Gouveia, Évora: Cidehus, 2016, pp. 181-192.

Indexed by

Musical Items

Displaying 721 - 740 of 2520
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff Diff db
064r 004 Non sunt loquelae neque sermones quorum Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 006873a 7
064r - 064v 005 Ego sum vitis vera et vos Philippi et Jacobi M R 1.3 006635 1
064v 001 Manete in dilectione mea sicut dilexi Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 006635a 1
064v 002 Docete filios vestros alleluia ut memoriter Philippi et Jacobi M R 1.4 006483 3
064v 003 Filii qui nascentur et exsurgent narrent Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 006483b 3
064v 004 Alleluia * Philippi et Jacobi M A 2. 001333 8 * *
064v 005 Constitues eos * Philippi et Jacobi M W 2. 007994 *
064v 006 Non vos me elegistis sed ego Philippi et Jacobi M R 2.1 007233 8
064v 007 Sicut misit me pater et ego Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 007233b 8
064v 008 Gaudete justi in domino alleluia rectos Philippi et Jacobi M R 2.2 006766 1
065r 001 Cantate ei canticum novum bene psallite Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 006766a 1
065r 002 Pretiosa in conspectu domini alleluia mors Philippi et Jacobi M R 2.3 007429 7
065r 003 In conspectu omnis populi ejus in Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 007429a 7
065r 004 Tristitia vestra alleluia converteteur in gaudium Philippi et Jacobi M R 2.4 007782 8
065r 005 Mundus autem gaudebit vos autem contristabimini Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 007782a 8
065r 006 Alleluia * Philippi et Jacobi M A 3. 001332 7 * *
065r 007 Annuntiaverunt * Philippi et Jacobi M W 3. 007950 *
065r 008 Filiae Jerusalem venite et videte martyres Philippi et Jacobi M R 3.1 006735 1
065v 001 Induit eos dominus stola gloriae et Philippi et Jacobi M V 01 006735zb 1
065v 002 Lux perpetua lucebit sanctis tuis et Philippi et Jacobi M R 3.2 007111 3