P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 031

Ms. 031

P-BRs Ms. 031

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
16th century (first half)

ff. 1r-51v In tempore Adventus, ff. 51v-75v In tempore Nativitatis, ff. 76r-118v In tempore Epiphaniae, ff. 118v-125v In Septuagesimae, ff. 125v-130v In Sexagesimae, ff. 130v- 135r In Quinquagesimae, ff. 135r-187v In tempore Quadragesimae, ff. 187v-204r In Triduum, ff. 204r-238r In tempore Paschae, ff. 238r-270v In tempore Pentecostes, ff. 270v-300r Dominicae proximae kalendis Augusti, Septembris, Octobris et Novembris, ff. 300r-308v Dominicae post Pentecostes, ff. 308v-315v Officium Angeli Custodiis, ff. 315v-317r Officia solitaria, f. 317rv Gloria patri tones.

Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Black square notation on five red lines.


Initials in red, blue, red and blue, or black (with cadel or flourish decoration). Boxed initial on ff. 1r and 310r in red with floral decoration in blue, green and red. Some initials in blue or red with red or blue filigree decoration. Black initial with cadel decoration and draw of a face (ff. 102v, 128r, 164r).


Remark about chants, left margin of f. 107v.
«domini nostri / Frei Agosti/nho», upper margin of f. 119r.
«127 / Mellius» left margin of f. 189v.
Music and text added on the right margin of f. 245r
«Antonio Teixeira Co<out>o / Leil[…] / Manoel Antº Dias / Luis […]», f. 318v.


Condition of document

Fair; some humidity; few mutilated folios, some water damage.

Page layout

One column, 8 lines with music and text. From f. 105, 10 lines with music and text. From f. 297r, 9 lines with music and text.


317 folios. Roman foliation in red from 1 to 296. Folios 73-76, 78 and 79 also with Arabic numerals in black. From 297 to 317 only folios 300, 310 and 317 were later numbered in pencil.


Leather over boards


Added and replaced folios in the 17th century.

Description author/s
Project ID
Completed on

Musical Items