P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 021

Res. Ms. 021

P-AR Res. Ms. 021

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
c. 1200
Ff. 1r-182v: complete cicle of the Temporal, from the 1st Sunday of Advent to the 25th Sunday after Pentecost. Ff. 183r-192r: Invitatory tones. Ff. 192r-193v: Te Deum. Ff. 193v-211r: Hymnal. Ff. 211r-213r: Ad Cantica antiphons. Ff. 213r-213v: Ferial Office for Easter time.
Type of script
Type of notation

Initials in several colors, sometimes with simple decorations. Capitals, some of great dimensions, richly illuminated, mainly with phytomorphic motifs and rarely with zoomorphic, anthropomorphic and/or geometrical motifs. Different artists at work: some capitals were added at a second stage, with simpler design.

Condition of document


Page layout

Fl. 22r: 28<188>50 x 17<301>73
UR: 31


[1]+213+[2]. Two late arabic foliations: one from 1 up to 213, the other from 1 up to 214. Until folio 200, the latter is the correct one. From folio 201 up to the end, the correct one is the first.


Leather over boards

Paper sheet, with the notated antiphon Requiem aeternam, glued on the verse of the last folio. Serving as the two final flyleaves, there's a bifolio fragment of a book of Canonical Law (with occasional references to the Archbishop of Compostela), with marginal comments (glosae). Paper sheet, with several intonation formulas, glued on the inside of the back cover.

Musical Items

Displaying 1301 - 1320 of 1558
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
086v 001 Venerunt quoque Aegyptii ad Joseph dicentes Quadragesimae, dom. 3 M V 01 007559b 2T
086v 002 Fac benigne in bona voluntate tua Quadragesimae, dom. 3 L A p 002829 3 A
086v 003 Declara super nos deus tuam misericordiam Quadragesimae, dom. 3 L R 006401 2
086v 004 Declaratio sermonum tuorum dat intellectum domine Quadragesimae, dom. 3 L V 01 006401a S
086v 005 Scuto circumdabit te* Quadragesimae, dom. 3 L W 008193 r
086v 006 Si in digito dei ejicio daemonia Quadragesimae, dom. 3 L A B 004898 3 A
086v 007 Dum fortis armatus custodit atrium suum Quadragesimae, dom. 3 P A 002456 3 A
087r 001 Qui non colligit mecum dispergit et Quadragesimae, dom. 3 T A 004486 1T d
087r 002 Dicet domino* Quadragesimae, dom. 3 T W 008012 r
087r 003 Cum immundus spiritus* Quadragesimae, dom. 3 S A 002009 1T
087r 004 Ipse liberavit me* Quadragesimae, dom. 3 S W 008107 r
087r 005 Per arma justitiae virtutis dei commendemus Quadragesimae, dom. 3 N A 004261 1T G
087r 006 Scapulis suis* Quadragesimae, dom. 3 N W 008191 r
087r 007 Septies in die laudem dixi tibi Quadragesimae, dom. 3 V2 R 007639 2
087r 008 Erravi sicut ovis quae perierat require Quadragesimae, dom. 3 V2 V 01 007639a 2
087r 009 Angelis suis* Quadragesimae, dom. 3 V2 W 007945 r
087r 010 Extollens quaedam mulier vocem de turba Quadragesimae, dom. 3 V2 A M 002827 8 G
087v 001 Amen dico vobis quia nemo propheta Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 2 L A B 001380 1 G
087v 002 Jesus autem transiens per medium illorum Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 2 V2 A M 003486 1 G
087v 003 Ubi duo vel tres congregati fuerint Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 3 L A B 005258 7 A