E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637

Ms 2637

E-SAu Ms 2637

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
12th century (second half)
fols. 1r-167v Proprium de tempore (de dominica i in adventu ad dominica xxiiij post pentecostem), fol. 167v In dedicatione ecclesiae, fols. 168v-233r Proprium de sanctis, fols. 233r-235v Commune sanctorum, fols. 235v-245r Missae votivae, fol. 245r Ordo cum sponsus venerit ad ecclesiam..., fol. 246r Cum introyret sacerdos in domum infirmi..., fols. 250r-260r Pro defunctis, fol. 260r Benedictiones, fols. 261v-262r Exorcismi, fols. 262v-267v Troparium.
Type of script

Initials on red, purple or black, plain or with simple decorations; capitals are decorated with phytomorphic and/or zoomorphic motifs; colors used for the decoration of capitals are red, purple, blue, brown, yellow and sepia. The most striking example of the decorative type of this Missal is on folio 2 (late foliation), a capital “A”.

Some marginal inscriptions.
Condition of document

Good; some margins are mutilated or sewed; the folio between folios 89 and 90 (late foliation) is torn off; the quaternion XXXIII has been rebound upside down, causing its folios to be in reverse order (see "foliation" and "gathering structure" below; for reading purposes, the corresponding pictures on this database [251r ... 258v] have been rotated 180 degrees).

Page layout

2 col. 25-31 wl / 32 rl — ]20<79-80>16-17<76-77>43-46 x 27-30<258-261>55-56 [fol. 17]
2 col. 31 wl / 31 rl — ]15<78-79>17<76>33-36 x 32-34<262>49-51 [fol. 250]


271 folios; two flyleaves at the beginning and other two at the end; lately added arabic foliation, on pencil, from 1 to 267; original roman foliation, which begins on second folio, has some inconsistencies (absence, interpolation and repetition), especially between folios 1 and 27; because of the upside down rebinding of the quaternion XXXIII, its original roman foliation appears in reverse order, but the late arabic foliation (fols. 251-258) is posterior to this rebinding, being thus in accordance to the reverse order (see "condition of document" above).


I (fols. 1-8), II (fols. 9-18), III (fols. 19-24), IV (fols. 25-32), V (fols. 33-40), VI (fols. 41-48), VII (fols. 49-56), VIII (fols. 57-64), IX (fols. 65-72), X (fols. 73-80), XI (fols. 81-88), XII (fols. 89-95), XIII (fols. 96-103), XIV (fols. 104-111), XV (fols. 112-119), XVI (fols. 120-127), XVII (fols. 128-135), XVIII (fols. 136-143), XIX (fols. 144-151), XX (fols. 152-159), XXI (ff. 160-166), XXII (ff. 167-174), XXIII (ff. 175-182), XXIV (ff. 183-190), XXV (ff. 191-198), XXVI (ff. 199-206), XXVII (fols. 207-214), XXVIII (fols. 215-222), XXIX (fols. 223-230), XXX (fols. 231-238), XXXI (fols. 239-246), XXXII (fols. 247-250), XXXIII (fols. 251-258), XXXIV (fols. 259-266), XXXV (fols. 267)


Late hardback cover.


Folio 1 of Arabic numbering is an addition, although contemporary to the main body of the codex; folio 17v (late foliation) contains prayers added by 15th century hand; a sequence for Sancta Marina, popular in Galicia, León and several other Spanish locations from the 10th-11th centuries, was added on folio 75v (late foliation) around 1300. The Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos, where the cult of St. Marina was known, has been proposed as a possible origin for this MS. However, according to Ferreira (2022), Astorga, a suffragan of Braga, was under Portuguese influence during most of the 12th century, and the connection of Santa Marina del Rey with the bishops of Astorga from 1172 onwards (Fuertes Pérez 2010) allowed for the development of its devotion there. The likely northern French origin of the first Roman-Frankish bishop of Astorga (Henriet 2016) and the presence in the cathedral of an important chapel dedicated to the saint (established by Martín González, bishop between 1285 and 1301), would together explain both the odd choice of feasts in the Sanctorale (Boudeau 2016) and the late prominence given to St. Marina in the manuscript. 


DOMÍNGUEZ BORDONA, Jesús, Manuscritos con pinturas: notas para un inventario de los conservados en colecciones públicas y privadas, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Históricos, 1933, nº1051.

PRADO, Germán, 'El kyrial español', Analecta sacra tarraconensia, 14 (1941), pp. 97-128 at 102, 106-108.

JANINI, José, Manuscritos litúrgicos de las bibliotecas de España, Burgos: Aldecoa, 1977-1980, I, pp. 236-239.

CUESTA, Ismael Fernández de la, Manuscritos y fuentes musicales en España: Edad Media, Madrid: Alpuerto, 1980, p. 167. 

CASTRO CARIDAD, Eva, Tropos y troparios hispánicos, Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1991.

WALKER, Rose, Views of transition: liturgy and illumination in Medieval Spain, London-Toronto, 1998.

UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA (ESPAÑA), BIBLIOTECA GENERAL, Catálogo de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca. II, Manuscritos 1680-2777, ed. Óscar Lilao Franca y Carmen Castrillo González, Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2002, pp. 1007-1008.

ZAPKE, Susana (ed), Hispania vetus: manuscritos litúrgico-musicales de los orígenes visigóticos a la transición francorromana (siglos IX-XII), Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2007, p. 378.

FUERTES PÉREZ, Francisco, Historia de Santa Marina del Rey [e-book], Vegas del Condado, 2010.

BOUDEAU, Océane, “Un missel ibérique de la seconde moitié du XIIe ou du début du XIIIe siècle (Salamanque, Biblioteca General Histórica, ms. 2637)”, Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 3/2 (2016), pp. 65-110, <http://rpm-ns.pt/index.php/rpm/article/view/301/448>. 

HENRIET, Patrick, “La lettre d’Osmundus, évêque d’Astorga, à la comtesse Ide de Boulogne (avant 1096)”, Territorio, Sociedad y Poder, 11 (2016) pp. 63-75.

BOUDEAU, Océane, “Les alléluias du missel conservé à Salamanque (Salamanque, Biblioteca General Histórica, ms 2637) : spécificités ibériques et réseaux de diffusion)”, Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 8/1 (2021), pp. 1-41, <https://rpm-ns.pt/index.php/rpm/article/view/420/793>.

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro, “Digital Matters: Early Iberian Manuscripts from the Lisbon Vantage Point”, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, special issue “Connecting the Dots” (January 2022), pp. 1-13.

Description author/s

Musical Items

Displaying 861 - 880 of 2355
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
107v 002 Attendite popule meus in legem meam Fer. 4 p. Pascha MI OfV g01030a 8
107v 003 Aperiam in parabolis os meum loquar Fer. 4 p. Pascha MI OfV g01030b 8
107v 004 Christus resurgens ex mortuis jam non Fer. 4 p. Pascha MI Cm g01031 8
108r 001 Victricem manum tuam domine laudaverunt pariter Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI In g01032 8
108r 002 Cantate domino * Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI InV g01032f.1 8
108v 001 Haec dies * Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI Gr 008414 *
108v 002 Lapidem quem reprobaverunt aedificantes hic factus Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI GrV 008414e 2
108v 003 Alleluia Surrexit altissimus de sepulcro qui Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI Al g02464 7
108v 004 Alleluia Surgens dominus Jesus et stans Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI Al g02465 ?
108v 005 Alleluia In die resurrectionis meae dicit Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI Al 008426 7
108v 006 In die solemnitatis vestrae dicit dominus Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI Of g01036 1
108v 007 Audi popule meus et loquar Israel Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI OfV g01036a
109r 001 Non adorabitis deum alienum quia ego Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI OfV g01036b
109r 002 Populus adquisitionis annuntiate virtutes ejus alleluia Fer. 5 p. Pascha MI Cm g01037 7
109r 003 Eduxit eos dominus in spe alleluia Fer. 6 p. Pascha MI In g01038 4
109r 004 Attendite popule meus* Fer. 6 p. Pascha MI InV g01038a 4
109r 005 Haec dies * Fer. 6 p. Pascha MI Gr 008414
109r-109v 006 Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini Fer. 6 p. Pascha MI GrV 008414f 2
109v 001 Alleluia Data est mihi omnis potestas Fer. 6 p. Pascha MI Al g02319 8
109v 002 Alleluia Eduxit dominus populum suum in Fer. 6 p. Pascha M Al g02611 1